
“I had never heard of the Bradley Method before, but we did know that we wanted to have a natural childbirth and were not prepared for it. After my friend suggested Bradley and I did some research, I knew that it would be helpful for us. The only time I have ever seen my husband frustrated is when he feels like we did not prepare well for something, so I figured that the Bradley class would help him to feel more prepared. Little did I know that I would need the preparation just as much, if not more, than he did!

The Bradley class did an amazing job of preparing us for any and every birth situation. Alyssa did a great job of communicating and presenting the information from each lesson. She is very knowledgeable and also very approachable with all the questions that we had. Before I started the classes I was having a lot of back pain. As I started doing the recommended exercises, my back pain disappeared and I was much more comfortable for the rest of my pregnancy.

In class we learned so much about the process of labor and what signs to look for. We also practiced relaxation techniques, and one of my favorite things was the labor rehearsals. We both approached our due date with confidence instead of fear. Our labor started and we had lots of opportunities to use the things we had been practicing. About 30 hours into it we were wondering how much longer it could last and Alyssa was a huge source of encouragement and a great resource to help us through all the way until the 59th hour when our precious baby girl was finally born naturally and without the assistance of any medication!

I’m positive that we would not have met this goal if we had not taken the Bradley course. I would recommend that anyone who is pregnant take the Bradley class with Alyssa!”

– Jackie, Social Worker turned Stay At Home Mom
