Tell Me More About The Bradley Method®

What is The Bradley Method®?

It is a comprehensive series designed to inform couples about how to be healthy, low risk, and achieve a natural childbirth. The classes cover information about pregnancy, exercises, nutrition, relaxation, postpartum care, breastfeeding, birth plans, common hospital practices, and more!

Who should take the classes?

The Bradley Method® is the perfect choice for parents who want to be informed about all areas pertaining to the pregnancy, labor, and birth of their child, as well as information about the postpartum phase of life. The course is relevant to all varieties of parents, whether this is their first or fifth child, or whether they plan to give birth in a hospital or at home. It is never too early in a pregnancy to take classes.

Why should I choose The Bradley Method® over other childbirth education courses?

The Bradley Method® works!

  • Of the 1,000,000+ couples who have been trained in The Bradley Method® nationwide, over 86% of them have spontaneous, unmedicated, vaginal births.
  • Dr. Bradley, founder of The Bradley Method®, boasted a 94% rate of unmedicated births in his obstetrical practice. Only 3% of his patients had complications that required medication, and only 3% were cesarean births (compared to the current 32% rate in the US). Dr. Bradley also never had a maternal death during his years of obstetrical practice.

What are the principles of The Bradley Method®?

The primary goal of The Bradley Method® is a healthy mother, healthy baby, and healthy family.  These are the tenants that allow that goal to be best accomplished: 

  • Teach NATURAL CHILDBIRTH as a simple and safe way of giving birth in the absence of medical complications.
  • Active participation of the HUSBAND as COACH/DOULA and other desired support person(s), when possible.
  • Excellent NUTRITION, the foundation of a healthy pregnancy.
  • AVOIDANCE of DRUGS during pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding, unless absolutely necessary.
  • TRAINING: 8 consecutive weekly Bradley classes.
  • Classes and home practice of RELAXATION and NATURAL breathing.
  • Mothers “TUNING-IN” to their own body.
  • Immediate and continuous CONTACT between mother, new baby, and family.
  • BREASTFEEDING, beginning at birth.
  • POSITIVE communications and consumerism.
  • Parents taking RESPONSIBILITY for the safety of the birth place, procedures, birth attendants, and emergency back-up facilities.
  • Parents EDUCATED about unexpected situations such as emergency childbirth or cesarean section.