
“We are so incredibly thankful for Alyssa and her wisdom throughout the Bradley Method® course. My husband and I had many friends who had children and had gone through labor naturally, or with drugs, or through a cesarean, etc., and we thought we “knew” enough to get by – boy, are we glad we took the class! The course not only goes through the stages of birth, but it also discusses other practicals like nutrition, the need for rest, as well as something we valued – positions for rest before and during labor.

Because of all of the information and guidance we received from Alyssa, we were able to endure a water-birth at our desired place of birth, a birthing center with our midwife. My body went through a long plateau during labor: my bag of waters was “blocking” my cervix from dilating, so even though my cervix was 100% effaced and my son was at station 1 (almost ready to be pushed) 12 hours before he arrived, there was not much progress for about 5-6 hours. Without knowing that natural plateau can occur or the coaching tips for my husband when I could not verbalize what I was feeling, we know for certain that we would not have had our son the way we desired. Both my husband and I implore you to take the Bradley course – we promise, it will be worth the while.”

– Valerie, High School English Teacher

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